【AFS Intercultural Programs Online Program】English below | 【公式】NPO法人 PCV |Peace Culture Village
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【AFS Intercultural Programs Online Program】English below

【AFS Intercultural Programs Online Program】English below

PCVはAFS Intercultural Programsと提携し、日本で学ぶ70名の留学生を対象にオンラインで広島体験を実施しました。PCVのバイリンガルファシリテーターが進行する中で、19カ国から集まった留学生が平和文化の概念や1945年8月6日について学び合いました。また、被爆者で七宝作家の田中稔子さんと対話する時間も設けられ、広島のレジリエンスと希望のメッセージを受け取ってくれました。




今回のプログラムは、PCVにとってこれまでで最大の国際プログラムでした。ファシリテーターの皆さん、AFS Japanの皆さん、Toshikoさん、イベントを実現させてくださり本当にありがとうございました。

PCV partnered with AFS Intercultural Programs to hold an online Hiroshima experience for 70 foreign exchange students studying in Japan. Led by our team of international, bilingual facilitators, students from 19 different countries learned about the concept of peace culture, the tragedy of August 6th, 1945, and Hiroshima’s message of resilience and hope. They also had the privilege to meet and dialogue with hibakusha and professional enamel artist Toshiko Tanaka.

Here is a comment from one of our exchange student participants:

“When the pandemic started, I lost track of the goals I work very hard for since middle school. I often feel that I don’t fit in among my circle of friends because I see things from a different perspective. I can easily sympathize with people. From this program, I found out that I could use this trait to an advantage. Peacemaking is an actual job and I could be fit in working in such field. I have parents who survived a genocide and through working on creating peace, I can let their stories be heard.”

This was PCV’s largest international program to-date. Thank you to our dynamic team of facilitators, to AFS Japan, and to Toshiko-san for making the event possible.

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