【Juntos!!中南米対日理解促進交流プログラム】 | 【公式】NPO法人 PCV |Peace Culture Village
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参加者には、広島を訪れたことがある、広島に留学する予定がある、将来的に広島を訪れたいと思っているなど、広島に関して興味関心が高い方が多くいました。広島といえばどんな言葉が思い浮かぶかと聞くと、”癒し “や “再生 “などの言葉が連想されるとシェアしてくれました。



PCV staff Mary and Momo conducted an online Hiroshima learning experience for 30 young professionals from all over Latin America who are learning about Japanese culture and history through the “Juntos!! Japan-Latin America and the Caribbean Exchange Program” run through the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Many of the participants had visited Hiroshima before, were planning on moving to Hiroshima for their studies, or hoped to visit in the future. When asked what words they associated with Hiroshima, they answered with words like “healing” and “rebirth.”

The young professionals expressed horror about the atomic bombing in Hiroshima but their main take-away from the program was a message of hope, inspiration and empowerment.

In her final message to the participants, Momo mentioned that she hoped that people from Hiroshima and Latin America and the Caribbean could become friends, share our diverse values, and support each other in our endeavors.

Thank you to the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the opportunity to engage with the Juntos cohort!

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