SUPPORT US | 【公式】NPO法人 PCV |Peace Culture Village
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Photo by Takeo Nakaoku

Photo by Takeo Nakaoku

都度寄付・Donate PCV
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会員になる・Become a Member
村人コミュニティーに参加しませんか!Join our Villager community!

Build the Village. Add your peace to the puzzle!




The devastating consequences of war are visible around the world, but even in Hiroshima, there is little discussion of how human hearts, minds, conversations, and socio-economic or political systems have to change if we hope to avoid war and create a peace culture. We need to create spaces where we can listen to each other, find common ground, and cultivate the trust and understanding needed to work together on complex global problems.

This is PCV’s mission. We design in-person and online programs that facilitate open exploration and personal discovery, opportunities for peace culture to emerge from each one of us. The definition and impact of peace culture evolves with each new perspective, each new “peace” added to the puzzle.

Your donation or membership will help hundreds of people per year come together to refine and manifest our collective vision of a peaceful world.

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