【国連の中満泉さん @ Peace Culture Academy】 English below | 【公式】NPO法人 PCV |Peace Culture Village
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【国連の中満泉さん @ Peace Culture Academy】 English below

【国連の中満泉さん @ Peace Culture Academy】 English below

平和文化リーダーのためのオンラインスクール、PCA (Peace Culture Academy) は、国連事務次長・軍縮担当上級代表の中満泉さんをお迎えし、第4回PEACE PORTALを開催しました。PCAメンバーら32人が参加しました。






PCA (Peace Culture Academy), PCV’s online school for youth peace culture leaders, held its 4th PEACE PORTAL event featuring Izumi Nakamitsu, Under-Secretary-General for Disarmament Affairs at the United Nations. 40 PCA members and affiliates gathered to engage with the High Representative.

Throughout our dialogue, High Representative Nakamitsu emphasized the power of youth to change the world. Especially at a time when the atomic bomb survivors are becoming fewer and fewer, she said that it is important for young people believe in their voice and agency, and work to envision and create the world they want to live in.

Other topics of dialogue included the High Representative’s experience as a student, episodes on her overseas missions, and her thoughts on the global pandemic.

After speaking with the High Representative, participants broke into small groups to process and share what had been particularly impactful to them. Here are some impressions from participants:
・I was inspired to think about peace starting close to home, with my own interests and community.
・I feel grateful that there is such a down-to-earth and yet powerful woman role model working for world peace at the United Nations.
・Hearing about Nakamitsu-san’s journey made me feel like maybe I can change the world in my own way.

Thank you so much High Representative Nakamitsu for joining us during the busy time in the disarmament community!

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