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【オンライン平和学習】English below



広島の高校生が作成したCG画像とGoogle Earthを使用して、原爆投下前の広島をタイムスリップしたような感覚で見られるように再現しました。




This week, PCV hosted an online Hiroshima experience for 15 American college students studying remotely at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.

We learned about how American and Japanese young people are working together to create a peace culture. Using Google Earth and CG images created by Hiroshima high school students, we went back in time to Hiroshima before the atomic bombing. While reflecting on the things in our lives that we treasure, we saw what happened on August 6, 1945. And finally, we were inspired by Hiroshima‘s story of rebuilding.

After the program we had a great discussion. Students, many of whom are planning to move to Japan, asked questions like:
・What is it like to live and work in Japan?
・Why did atomic bomb survivors experience discrimination?
・Why isn’t peace education required outside of Hiroshima Nagasaki?
・Do people in Hiroshima dislike Americans?

Thank you so much for the energizing dialogue!

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