【Unity Earth】 | 【公式】NPO法人 PCV |Peace Culture Village
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【Unity Earth】

【Unity Earth】
(English follows Japanese)

Unity EarthのJAPANツアーに参加している50名のゲストの皆さんへワークショップを担当させていただきました。







【Unity Earth】
PCV led a workshop for 50 guests participating in Unity Earth’s Japan tour. The participants who came to Japan this time came from diverse backgrounds. During the workshop, after listening to Toshiko Tanaka, the a-bomb survivor, there was time for a Q&A session and sharing of thoughts.
We were able to spend more time than we had planned to interact and connect with participants, including comments about how Toshiko’s smile was so impressive and questions about how to have a “forgiveness” feeling. In the second half of the presentation, we introduced PCV’s activities and touched on some of the thoughts that the younger generation had about our activities. After the workshop, we were very happy to receive words of encouragement for PCV’s activities and even an invitation to collaborate with them. We felt that we could put into practice the message that Toshiko Tanaka always says, “Please make friends all over the world.” I hope that this circle will continue to expand throughout the world. Thank you very much.

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