「広島」に焦点を当てたものもあれば、「世界の課題」や「自分」について深ぼるものもあり、いろんな視点、観点から地球市民というテーマに向き合うことのできた時間になったのではないかと期待しています。最後のQ &Aセッションでは、
– 今まで行ったことのある国で印象に残っているものは?
– 来年カナダに行くのでおすすめ教えてください!
– 留学って具体的にどんなことを学べるの??
We gave the program the broad theme “Global Citizen.”
Four speakers prepared their own workshops, all conducted in English.
This year we were joined by Roland from Burkina Faso in West Africa.
Some focused on “Hiroshima,” while others chose a deeper dive into “global issues” or “self.” We were happy to see participants confronting themes of global citizenship from a variety of perspectives and viewpoints.
These are some of the questions we received in the final Q & A session:
What struck you most about the countries you have visited?
How did you learn English?
Do you have any advice for me when I visit Canada next year?
What concretely do you learn from studying abroad?
The students’ abundant curiosity and passion for global perspectives and savvy use of keywords really impressed us!