【Peace Puzzle】 | 【公式】NPO法人 PCV |Peace Culture Village
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【Peace Puzzle】

【Peace Puzzle】
(English follows Japanese )

『「知らない」を、知る。広島の町に点在するピーススポットを巡るデジタルスタンプラリー』をモットーにしたWebサイトになっています。 今回は、より多くの人に体験してもらおうと、ピースバディにも協力してもらい、英語でのツアー作成に挑戦しました。


歴史は知らなければいけないことだという認識を持っていて、私たちの説明もとても真剣に聞いてくれました。 一緒に折った折り鶴が完成したときはとても感動していました。最後に、スタンプラリーを達成した参加者に、手ぬぐいをプレゼントしました。


The Peace Puzzle website says: “Digital stamp rally: Visit peace spots around Hiroshima City.” This time, with the help of our Peace Buddies, we challenged ourselves to create a tour in English to enable more people to enjoy the stamp rally.

First, we tested it for three days (August 4 to 6) by engaging with overseas visitors to Peace Park. To test our plan to conduct the tour by ourselves, we approached visitors in the park.

Evidently aware that this history is something they need to know, they listened carefully to our explanations. They were moved to see the origami cranes that we folded together reach their final form. At the end of the tour, we gave tenugui (hand towels) to those who completed the stamp rally.

We felt that we walked the park together not as guides and visitors, but as buddies or pals thinking together about what peace means.

We think the Peace Puzzle will help tourists because they can learn about the atomic bombing while touring the park at their own pace. It will also be a chance for those who are not able to take the tour to learn about the cenotaphs and other monuments in the park.

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