【English tour】 | 【公式】NPO法人 PCV |Peace Culture Village
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【English tour】

【English tour】
(English follows Japanese)





At the request of the YMCA of the Hiroshima , we conducted a program for a community group of Japanese-American students in junior high and high school in the USA.

Spending time with this friendly and congenial group of teens and tweens was truly a pleasure. As members of the San Francisco Nikkei (Japanese-American) community, many of them also showed a keen awareness of their ancestral ties to Japan.

In the final sharing session, a number said words to the effect: “I’ve always wanted to come to Hiroshima, and how great it is that I finally got the chance!”

All the way from San Francisco they travelled, in order to think and learn about peace together. Thank you for coming to Japan, to Hiroshima, and to us!

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