【2021「戦争も核兵器もない平和な世界を」市民の集い】English below | 【公式】NPO法人 PCV |Peace Culture Village
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【2021「戦争も核兵器もない平和な世界を」市民の集い】English below

【2021「戦争も核兵器もない平和な世界を」市民の集い】English below




On Wednesday, PCV cofounder Mary spoke about PCVs work at an event attended online by over 100 people, including many Japanese municipal government officials. Other speakers included Hiroshima Governor Hidehiko Yuzaki, Chairman of the Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation Takashi Koizumi, and Kunihiko Sakuma and Toshiyuki Minami of the Japan Confederation of A- and H- Bomb Sufferers Organization. The event was sponsored by organizations like Seikyo Hiroshima and the Hiroshima YMCA.

As representatives of two organizations with “peace culture” in the title, both Mary and Chairman Koizumi spoke about the crucial importance of the concept of peace culture in Hiroshima in the world. Mr. Sakuma and Mr. Mimaki encouraged PCV to continue increasing momentum and energy towards a thriving peace movement.

Thank you to all sponsoring organizations for inviting us to speak!

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