【国連のYouth Champions for Disarmament】English below | 【公式】NPO法人 PCV |Peace Culture Village
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【国連のYouth Champions for Disarmament】English below

【国連のYouth Champions for Disarmament】English below


PCVの共同創業者であるメアリーは、PCVの活動について国連のYouth Champions for Disarmamentに、光栄ながら発表させていただきました。







Youth Championsと素晴らしいセッションを行ってくださったUNODAにとっても感謝してます。ありがとうございました!

PCV cofounder Mary had the honor of speaking with the UN Youth Champions for Disarmament about PCV’s work.

These 10 young people from around the world were chosen from thousands of applicants to receive intensive training from the United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs. Each of them is crafting an action plan to engage their local communities on disarmament issues.

Our lively conversation covered countless topics, including:

・Whether the lessons of Hiroshima are applicable to other global conflicts, especially ongoing conflicts or civil wars

・How young people can cultivate sustainable and healthy communities

・How augmented reality and immersive technology might be used to amplify the voices of survivors all over the globe

・Hiroshima‘s peace culture and the importance of preserving the legacy of the atomic bomb survivors

Thank you so much to UNODA and the Youth Champions for the fantastic session!

#unoda #unyouthchampions4disarmament #youth4disarmament #sdgs #peaceculture #peace #hiroshima

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