日本語は下 – On August 6, PCV member Mary represented Hiroshima youth activists at ICAN Academy, attended by 31 youth disarmament leaders from all around the world. | 【公式】NPO法人 PCV |Peace Culture Village
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日本語は下 – On August 6, PCV member Mary represented Hiroshima youth activists at ICAN Academy, attended by 31 youth disarmament leaders from all around the world.

日本語は下 – On August 6, PCV member Mary represented Hiroshima youth activists at ICAN Academy, attended by 31 youth disarmament leaders from all around the world.

She presented alongside Hiroshima governor Yuzaki-san, executive director of ICAN, Beatrice Fihn, United Nations under-secretary-general of disarmament affairs, Nakamitsu-san, and an architect of the TPNW, Alexander Kmentt.

The speakers provided nuanced and enlightening comments on how governments and civil society can work together to achieve nuclear disarmament.

8月6日、PCVメンバーのメアリーはICANアカデミー (2017年ノーベル平和賞受賞) にて、世界中から参加した31一人の核軍縮の青年リーダーに対して、若者の平和活動家を代表して発表しました。



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