【日ASEAN交流事業TASC】 | 【公式】NPO法人 PCV |Peace Culture Village
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ASEAN-Japan Exchange Program TASC
We led a program for students enrolled in the ASEAN University Network (AUN).

Members of the group varied in nationality, background, and academic year, but those differences didn’t matter to us because the friendliness and bonds formed during the tour of Peace Memorial Park created a harmonious vibe for the rest of the program.

After the tour, one student commented, “I was glad to see how Japan has preserved this sad history. I wish my country would preserve our history this carefully. When I imagine enduring what the survivors have gone through, it’s very hard and painful! Our generation must stop war.”

The second half of the program started with a lecture by Executive Director Kenta Sumioka.

Then, students formed small groups to take up the concept of “Peace & XX.”

After discussion, they each shared their ideas of what their own “XX” might turn out to be.

Listening to their thoughts and hopes about the social issues besetting their own communities as well as global problems, the intensity of their expressions truly moved us.

Though we speak different languages, come from different backgrounds, and face different challenges, as friends who aim for a peaceful world together, we feel sure that over these hours the bonds between us strengthened.

We are deeply grateful for this encounter. Thank you very much.

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