高尾 桃子
Momoko Takao
Global Program Staff
国籍の違いを越えて人々と繋がる喜びを通して平和への関心が強まり、2021年より広島・長崎のヒバクシャの証言を海外に発信するプロジェクト(NGO Peace Boat 企画)の運営に携わる。ヒバクシャの方から受け取った平和のバトンを繋いでゆきたいという想いから、PCVのピースバディとして平和公園のガイドを始める。
Born in Okayama in 1994. She was raised in a family that valued international exchange and hosted guests from various countries. After a homestay in Canada in junior high school, she attended the University of Hawaii for one year as an exchange student.
In 2021, she volunteered for a project of the NGO Peace Boat to help atomic bomb survivors share their stories all around the world. This led to serving as a peace guide in Hiroshima, helping to pass the baton of peace from the survivors to younger generations.
In 2023, she visited about 20 countries on a voyage, studying peace-building through interaction with people representing a wide variety of cultures and nationalities.
She is currently working with PCV to create a peace study programme for English-speakers.
野崎 恭平
Kyohei Nozaki
株式会社musuhi 代表取締役CEO/NPO法人薩摩リーダーシップフォーラムSELF 代表理事。鹿児島生まれ。同志社大学を卒業後、大阪にて政治家の秘書、社会起業家支援プログラムの立ち上げに携わった後に、東北の復興支援事業に関わり岩手で活動。その後東京にて参画した会社で組織開発・リーダーシップ開発の仕事をするようになり、独立。2015年にUターンし、鹿児島未来170人会議などを手掛けた後、仲間と共にダイアログファーム「musuhi」を創業。対話をベースにした人-組織-社会-環境の結び直しをテーマに、様々な活動を行っている。
Born in Kagoshima, Japan. After graduating from Doshisha University, worked as secretary for a politician in Osaka and was involved in the launch of a program to support social entrepreneurs. In 2015, he returned to Kagoshima and founded Musuhi with his colleagues after working on projects such as the Kagoshima Future 170 People Conference. He is engaged in various activities with the theme of reconnecting people, organizations, society, and the environment based on dialogue.
Miwako Sawada
Financial Officer
Born in Hiroshima City in 1953. Raised in the Kansai region.
From 1987 to April 2007, Miwako translated A-bomb testimonials and interpreted for successive Hiroshima mayors, A-bomb Museum directors, dignitaries who visited Hiroshima, and many others.
From May 2007 to March 2013, she served as secretary to the chairman of the Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation.
In 2013 and 2014, she was an adjunct instructor at Hiroshima Jogakuin. While interpreting for foreign visitors, she understood the importance of the meaning of “Hiroshima” and felt her mission was to convey that to the world.
Her translated works include Hiroshima Resolution, Hiroshima August 6, 1945, Nagasaki August 9, 1945, HIBAKUSHA, and many others.
Ryota Sato(Ton)
1985年、愛知県岡崎市生まれ(徳川家康、オカザえもん) 被曝一世(フクシマ)
2014年より湯来町に移住し、震災で痛感した、食べ物とエネルギーを自ら作り出す生き方を実践中(田舎cafe おそらゆき など)。
その他:NPO法人チャリティーサンタ 理事、 日本ソーシャルイノベーション学会 発起人、 湯来町観光協会 理事、 町内会長etc…
Born in Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture in 1985, Ton survived the Fukushima disaster.
As a child, watching the bombing of Yugoslavia on television, he wondered why people couldn’t live in peace. When he entered college, he intended to work for the United Nations, but arguing with his professor in a seminar on international law led to his ejection from the seminar. Distressed over this, at age 21 he traveled to the U.K. for study and interned at a professional soccer club in London. Impressed by the concept of developing community and local economy around sports, after graduation, he started working at a professional soccer club and started a career at Fukushima United Football Club.
However, experiencing the Fukushima disaster on March 11, 2011 led him to question how the world is structured and his life choices. He moved to Hiroshima, again making peace his focal point. Each year he carries out the Peace Flame Movement. This project shares flames taken from actual embers of the Hiroshima bombing with participants around Japan who light them at the same time. The Peace Flame has been burning in Fukuoka for 75 years. More than 2000 people in 47 prefectures have participated.
In 2014 he moved to Yuki-cho in Hiroshima Prefecture. Remembering the Fukushima nuclear disaster, he works with others on creating sustainability in energy and food through such projects as the Inaka Café Osorayuki. As the current chair of the Non-Profit Yuki-cho Tourism Area Development Corporation, through an adventure tourism program that offers participants hands-on experiences of SDGs and peace, he works hard to help people find ways to make their lives more meaningful and to promote sustainability in Yuki-cho. He is a board member of the non-profit Charity Santa, founder of Japan Social Innovation Council, board member of the Yuki-cho Tourism Council, and chair of his neighborhood association.
Toki Shimizu
また音楽に留まらず、西日本豪雨災害に際してチャリティプロジェクト “IKIMASU ROCK JAPAN”を主宰し、中心人物としてチャリティフェスを企画・運営。収益を全額被災地復興支援に充てている。
Born in Hiroshima in 1993.
A singer-songwriter from the generation of “crystal children,” he plays love and peace with the earth. Born to an American father and Japanese mother, growing up in a share house where he was homeschooled, his upbringing was alternative.
His travels are the wellspring of his music. He has hitchhiked Japan up and down and the United States from east to west. The people he encountered on those journeys taught him to respect diversity and to cultivate a heart free of preconceptions. The thoughts and ways of two countries coexist in his blood and heart and bolster his will to promote harmony on earth. As an influencer of the new generation, he is gathering hopes and expectations.
After the West Japan Rainfall Disaster, he helped plan and produce the IKIMASU ROCK JAPAN charity project. All the profits went to assist in the aftermath of the disaster.
Always keen to form and integrate connections, he reaches out to others regardless of age and gender, integrating teaching English, operating the sharehouse Yamabiko, working with the Fukushima Kids Challenge School, and other activities.
Hiromi Yokota
Peace Education Team
2017年に1年間インドネシアジャカルタで現地教育事業開発に携わり、絶え間ないトライアルアンドエラーの中で、Positive Peaceを学ぶ2WAYスタディツアーを成功させる。教育は社会を創る根幹。世界中の子どもたちの学びあい、トモダチの輪を拡げることが世界の平和に繋がるという信念と使命感を持って活動中!
Born in 1988. Raised in Aizumi-cho, Tokushima Prefecture.
Hiromi is manager of educational travel for a travel company.
Starting in elementary school and continuing through high school, she cultivated grit by playing badminton. She spent 2017 in Jakarta, Indonesia organizing local educational projects. Through continuous trial and error, she created a successful 2WAY Study Tour for learning “positive” peace work. Education is the bedrock of successful societal formation. She has a sense of mission and faith that helping children learn together and enlarge rings of friendship will bring the world together!
Achievements: Accredited project commemorating 60 years of diplomatic relations between Japan and Indonesia (Indonesia x Hiroshima 2WAY Education Program)
Managed Indonesian students tour of Northeast Japan, created overall time design for exploration, organized global lectures at schools in Japan
Tomonori Minami(Tom)
Peace Education Team
Born in 1978. Grew up in Usashi City, Oita Prefecture.
Backpacking around the world and studying in Ireland during college gave Tom many friends and a sense of being a world citizen. He worked for 20 years in sales for educational travel tours for a travel company. Connecting these experiences to solving problems on the frontlines of education, he works at constructing a society in which both children and adults can continue learning through travel.
Achievements: Hiroshima Prefecture Short-term Overseas Study Program, Domestic Global Experience Setouchi Exchange student Program, etc.
Takuto Higashi
Peace Education Team
Born in 1996. Raised in Aki County, Hiroshima Prefecture.
Although originally planning to be a teacher, backpacking journeys during college developed Takuto’s interest in the travel industry. Now he manages educational trips for a travel agency.
As a college student, he learned about the significance of Article 9 of Japan’s constitution. He also found that there was a gap between his attitude toward peace and that of others who hadn’t grown up in Hiroshima. This aroused his interest in discrepancies in how peace education is taught. Making Hiroshima the theme of his graduation thesis further deepened his focus on the meaning of “peace.” He is still searching for answers to the questions he raised in his graduation thesis!
Nao Fukuoka
Peace Education Team
Born in Hiroshima City in 1992, Nao loves Hawaii, Tahiti, and Miyakojima Island.
As a revitalization cooperation volunteer in Aki-Takata City, she engages in multicultural relations development projects. Since her third year in high school, she’s been interested in the meaning of her home city’s identity as an “international peace culture city.” In 2014, she joined the “Global Voyage for a Nuclear-Free World: Peace Boat Hibakusha Project” as a Youth Communicator for a World without Nuclear Weapons. Surprised to learn that her grandfather, who experienced the atomic bombing, was not issued an A-bomb Survivor handbook, she began studying accounts that are not easily told. Wishing to bring such stories to light, she has interviewed laborers who worked on nuclear testing in French Polynesia, Japan-resident Korean A-bomb survivors, Hawaii-resident A-bomb survivors, second-generation Japanese-American veterans of the U.S. military, and staff members of the National Atomic Testing Museum. She ponders Hiroshima’s mission in light of what she has learned.
Since high school, she has been learning to facilitate experiential learning in natural environments. She has learned to create spaces for groups to learn together and to organize and manage various kinds of workshops. When she travels, she avoids staying in hotels. Although she is allergic to cats, she finds that cats like her.
Kako Okuno
PCV Youth
高校時代「ikenobo 花の甲子園」で「祈りの花」をテーマに中国地区優勝 全国大会準優勝。
2019年Fridays for Future Hiroshimaを立ち上げる。
Kako was born in 2001 in Hiroshima.
In 2017 she attended the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony at the Montreal Botanical Garden representing high school students in Hiroshima.
As a high school student, she entered the Ikenobo Flower Koshien (Competition) with her arrangement Flowers of Prayer, which won first prize for the Chugoku region and runner-up nationwide.
Taking multiple trips to the Philippines over the past two years completely changed her perspective on the world. In 2019 she started Fridays for Future Hiroshima to raise awareness about climate change. While attending college, she engages in environmental activism and supports writers and exchange student applications for a Cebu Island exchange study agency. As a member of PCV, she conducts Rest House tours in Peace Memorial Park.
Amato Washino
PCV Youth
As a child, Amato lived on Iriomotejima Island in Okinawa Prefecture. In high school, he lived in a forest in Ehime Prefecture.
When he was in the fifth grade, concerned about Japan’s reliance on nuclear power, he tried to educate people about renewable energy in the “Let’s Create Geothermal Energy” project. In his third year of high school, he was one of the organizers of the National High School Students Future Summit. Taking a gap year after graduating from high school, he excavated relics from the Jomon Period, worked as a hotel clerk and organized crowd funding to brand an organic farm.
After study experiences in Oceania, Africa, and the United Kingdom, he enrolled in college in New Zealand and studied management psychology. After half a year traveling the world as a backpacker, he joined PCV in 2020.
Yuki Mizuhara
Peace Education Team
実績:オランダ イエナプラン、高校生の中期留学行事化、同窓会inハワイ等
Born in 1985 in Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture
While everyone else in my family is a civil servant, I joined a travel company, hoping for once-in-a-lifetime experiences with people I would encounter around the world. A multi-function player who managed companies, schools, municipalities, and events simultaneously, I learned through these experiences that education was fundamental to every sector and began to rethink its possibilities.
As the father of three and inspired by my daughter’s motto “Travel is adventure!” I strive to conceive and offer experiences that are essential to children of today and hereafter. I study how to best employ the opportunities that travel provides, make plans, and carry them out!
Achievements: Managed the Dutch IENA Plan, developed program for high school students midterm study abroad, managed alumni reunions in Hawaii, and more.
Mark McPhillips
Born in 1995. Raised in Manchester, UK.
Studying abroad in both Japan and China as part of a BA in Chinese and Japanese Studies, Mark met people from around the world and was exposed to diverse ideas about our Earth and its modern history. Taking classes in international relations was an opportunity to “zoom out” and see big obstacles to peace like energy security and transboundary pollutants.
After graduating in 2018, Mark was accepted onto the Japanese government’s JET Programme as a Coordinator for International Relations, and was assigned to the City of Hiroshima, specifically the Peace Culture Foundation.
Through correcting the scripts of A-bomb Legacy Successors, volunteers who tell the stories retired hibakusha, Mark learnt about the atomic bombing for the first time. He occasionally interprets for hibakusha and is a PCV guide at PEACE PARK TOUR @ REST HOUSE.
Elizabeth Baldwin
Born in 1949, Elizabeth traveled to Japan for the first time at the age of one. For 40 years, she’s spent countless hours diving into the well of kanji (Chinese ideograms) to discern a writer’s intent in order to render it in English. Translating countless A-bomb testimonials was a gradual transformative experience that impelled her to work for peace. She is grateful that the PCV mission is bringing in fresh faces, perspectives, and technologies needed to serve a world in flux, and for the PCV emphasis on finding ways to share experience, which is necessary to fostering a sense of common humanity.
Koichi Matsumoto(Matsun)
Peace Education Staff
2014年 故郷の集落過疎が進み28歳で起業し移住滞在型シェアハウスを運営する。そこから40名以上が地域に移住するなど島に限らず、広島の中山間地域のコミュニティづくりに関わるようになる。2017年より大崎上島町定住移住アドバイザー、同町観光協会理事。2020年よりNPO法人PCVに参画。
Born in 1985 in Osakikamijima, Hiroshima Prefecture.
Raised on a remote island in the Seto Inland Sea, Matsun grew up listening to memories of World War II from his grandmother and other relatives.
At 21, he joined the crew of a freighter and sailed the Pacific. Living with crew members from various countries, he understood that “Abundance lives in the heart; it is not dependent on place or circumstance.”
At 24, he returned home to work at a high school, where he coached club members around the axes of “heart” and “communication” and helped cultivate athletes—even on this small island—who competed at the national level.
In 2014, at age 28, amid the depopulation trend of the countryside, he started a sharehouse for incoming residents, which increased the island’s population by 40-plus people. He has also engaged in community development in Hiroshima’s mountainous areas.
Since 2017, he has served as advisor to long-term and temporary residents of Osakikamijima and officer of the area’s Tourism Council. His involvement with PCV started in 2020.
UMI Sakamitsu (UMI)
Peace Education Staff
1991年生まれ 広島生まれ広島育ち 被曝三世
Born in 1991. Raised in Hiroshima. 3rd generation hibakusha.
After taking part in volunteer relief efforts in response to the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, Umi started a student group in Hiroshima promoting disaster preparedness.
After college, she joined the Merry Project, a non-profit led by art director Koji Mizutani.
She moved away from Hiroshima for about 7 years, encountering PCV on a visit home. Deciding that, as a 3rd generation hibakusha, she had her own piece of Hiroshima’s story to tell, she became a tour guide for PCV.
Her motivation is to help Hiroshima create opportunities for people to think about peace.
Seto Mayu
Peace Education Staff
大学時代にピースボートに乗船し地球を3周。2013年にユース非核特使として活動。アイルランド留学中に作詞作曲を始め、2017年春に歌手活動を開始。音楽活動のかたわら「Social Book Cafeハチドリ舎」スタッフとしてイベント企画・運営を担当。
Born in 1991, raised in Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture.
Seto Mayu adores travel and her hometown. As a college student, she travelled around the world three times on Peace Boat. She served as Youth Anti-Nuclear Special Ambassador in 2013. While studying in Ireland, she began writing songs and began performing in 2017. She plans and manages events for Social Book Café Hachidorisha.
She is a member of a local nuclear disarmament group called “Kakuwaka Hiroshima” and participated the first meeting of states parties to the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons held in Vienna in June 2022.
Mary Popeo
ハーバード大学、戦略国際問題研究所での勤務経験を持ち、現在は日本でも有数の公共政策アドバイザリーGR Japanでコンサルタントを務め、グローバルヘルス・再生可能エネルギー・IT・エンターテインメント産業など多岐に渡る分野のクライアントをサポートしている。また、東京を拠点にアジア太平洋地域の宇宙産業の業界横断的な発展に寄与する一般社団法人SPACETIDEにプロボノとして参画している。
Born in 1992. From Boston, MA, USA.
As a college student, Mary visited Hiroshima and Nagasaki where she met and formed relationships with atomic bomb survivors and their descendants. These experiences changed her life.
After graduating, Mary moved to Hiroshima and became a founding member of PCV in 2017.
She has worked at the Harvard Kennedy School and the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
She is currently a consultant at GR Japan, Japan’s leading government relations and public affairs firm, where she manages and supports client accounts in the global health, renewable energy, IT and entertainment industries.
Mary is also a pro bono member at SPACETIDE Foundation, a Tokyo-based nonprofit orchestrating and cultivating the space industry across the APAC region.
Momoka Narasaki (Momo)
Global Experience Director
2000年広島生まれ。鳥取や岡山で幼少期を過ごし、広島には15歳で戻った。高校時代に不登校になったことがきっかけで行ったカナダ留学を機に、広島県国際青年ボランティアの活動を始める。その後、環境保護活動や海外のゲスト向けのツアーなどの経験を経て、2022年4月にPCVに就職。Magical Trip 広島ガイドメンバーで、広島県地域通訳案内士の資格も有する。G7/G20 Youth Japanでは、G7サミットの実行委員メンバーとして、若者向けイベントの運営を担当。
Born in 2000 in Hiroshima, Momo spent her childhood in Tottori and Okayama Prefectures, returning to Hiroshima at the age of 15. She took a break from high school to study abroad in Canada. On returning, she began working as an international youth volunteer in Hiroshima Prefecture, giving tours to international guests and participating in environmental protection activities. She joined PCV in 2022. She is a certified Hiroshima Prefecture Regional Interpreter Guide and a member of Magical Trip Hiroshima Guides. At the G7/G20 Youth Japan, she was a member of the G7 Summit executive committee and was in charge of organizing events for young people.
As a Hiroshima local, and as a young person who struggled through high school, she hopes that she can help students visiting Hiroshima to realize the importance of “being yourself,” while being considerate of others. In her free time, she enjoys going to the gym and watching Netflix. She especially likes Korean dramas!
Haruki Yamaguchi(Key)
Peace Education Director
1993年生まれ 広島生まれ広島育ち
Born in 1993 in Hiroshima where she has spent most of her life.
While in university, she spent a year in Canada. During this working holiday she learned what people in other countries know and think about Hiroshima. She wanted to be able to help them understand, so she started working as a Peace Park tour guide.
Her enthusiasm for new people, things, and ideas has carried her—so far—to 24 countries as a backpacker.
While working as a kindergarten teacher, she joined PCV in 2020.
While doing her best to offer all children a future full of fun, she continues to connect Hiroshima and the world.
Kenta Sumioka
Managing Director
第13回コモンズ社会起業家フォーラムへ登壇しSEED Capへ選出される。
Born in 1985. He is a third-generation A-bomb survivor from Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture.
As a teenager, he studied abroad in the U.S. and traveled alone in Asia. The question of “What is peace? became a major question in his life.
In his 20s, he started his own business based on the concept of “creating jobs that create peace.” Currently, he is researching peace marketing.
He was selected as a SEED Cap speaker at the 13th Commons Social Entrepreneur Forum.
He moderated the Partners Program at the G7 Hiroshima Summit.
Steven Leeper
1947年生まれ。アメリカ合衆国イリノイ州アバナ市出身。人生の約半分を日本ですごし、家庭カウンセラー、経営コンサルタント、翻訳家、平和活動家としてのキャリアをもつ。翻訳家としては世界中で数多くの被爆者証言の翻訳と編集をし、その通訳を行ってきた。2002年より平和市長会議ニューヨーク連絡員を経て、2007年から2013年まで広島平和記念資料館などの運営を行う公益財団法人 広島平和文化センターで理事長を務める。任期中には全米での原爆展も開催。2014年より甲奴町の古民家を拠点にピースカルチャービレッジを開始。アメリカと日本を行き来しながら、平和に関する講演を各地で行う。
著書:『ヒロシマ発 恒久平和論 Hiroshima Resolution 増補改訂版』(日英)、『日本が世界を救う――核をなくすベストシナリオ』(日)、『アメリカ人が伝えるヒロシマ』(日)
Born in Urbana, Illinois in 1947.
Steve has spent about half his life in Japan. Careers include family counselor, management consultant, translator, and peace activist. He has translated and interpreted hundreds of talks, articles and books by A-bomb survivors.
He began working as US representative for Mayors for Peace in 2002, which led to his appointment as chairman of the Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation, which houses Hiroshima’s peace and international relations programs including the Peace Memorial Museum and the secretariat of Mayors for Peace.
In 2008 he led a program to hold 101 A-bomb exhibitions in the US.
In 2014, he moved to a farm in Kōnu-cho to begin building PCV. Living about half the year in Kōnu and half in Atlanta, Georgia, he writes and lectures on peace while working for PCV.
Books: Hiroshima Resolution (bilingual), Nihon ga sekai wo sukuu (Japanese), Americajin ga tsutaeru Hiroshima (Japanese)
Miho Tanaka
Art Director
#日本酒 #あだ名をつける #カクワカ広島共同代表 #ブックカフェ #アカペラ #YesICAN
#Sake #GivingNicknames #KakuwakaHiroshima #BookCafe #Acapella #ICAN
Born in 1994. Raised in Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture.
Miho moved to Hiroshima in 2017 for work. In the summer of 2018, she began translating into Japanese the campaign news and newsletter issued by the International Campaign Against Nuclear Weapons (ICAN). This work aroused her curiosity about the history of Hiroshima and the global status of nuclear weapons.
She co-leads Kakuwaka Hiroshima, a group of young people who meet with Hiroshima’s elected parliamentarians to ask their attitude on nuclear policy. She has been with PCV since 2019, and also works at a manufacturing company.