【立命館慶祥高校平和学習プログラム】 | 【公式】NPO法人 PCV |Peace Culture Village
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Last year, PCV hosted a day-long peace education program for Ritsumeikan Keisho High School students who are studying human rights.

PCV members Mary and Honoka worked together to introduce students to the concept of peace culture, prepare them to experience the Hiroshima Peace Museum, and guide them through Peace Park.

The students had the privilege of meeting with atomic bomb survivor and professional artist Toshiko Tanaka, who graciously told her testimony and answered questions.

Throughout the day, PCV members and students discussed many topics, such as the rewards and challenges of peace work, the unique gifts of youth in creating peace, and the meaning of peace to each one of us.

Finally, the students reflected on their motivations to study human rights and Hiroshima, and decided on actions they would stop, start, continue and change after returning home to Hokkaido.

Thank you Ritsumeikan Keisho High for a fantastic program!

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